Why Don’t We See More of This?


I’m going to put something out there that clearly is unconventional.

You know what?  I don’t give a hooey.

Terry Collins took advantage of the fact that Chris Capuano and R.A. Dickey planned on throwing bullpen sessions today.  He made a slight adjustment and moved the bullpen sessions to the game field.

Why don’t we see more of this on a regular basis?

Opponents to this strategy will start spouting off about guys clearly knowing their roles and starters not used to being relievers.  Blah blah blahbity blah blah.  The bottom line is the game is too specialized these days.

We are talking about grown men making millions of dollars (mostly).  They should be able to step up and throw their session during the game in an effort to give their team a chance to win.  After all, it worked today.

This strategy won’t add to their work load or putt more stress on their valuable appendages.  They are throwing anyway.  Stop coddling these guys.

Let me spit some more logic at you.  There is a reason why some guys are starters and some are relievers.  They flat out have more talent.  That’s why they earn the big bucks.  Why not get a little more back on your investment?

Call me crazy but I think it makes more sense to bring in your more talented pitcher if he is physically able to go.  It works in little league.  There are no setup guys in Williamsport.

I’m not completely off my rocker.  This doesn’t apply to aces.  The Roy Halladay’s and Felix Hernandez’s of the world are off limits.  They’ve earned the right to trot out every fifth day.

I feel like a broken record but it is worth repeating.  Not every team has the luxury of having a legitimate ace/stopper.  Unless you do, maximize the talent you do have.  I for one am a whole lot more comfortable seeing R.A. Dickey throw a seventh inning then Bobby Parnell or D.J. Carasco.

Through a carrot out in front of your starters.  Want to avoid a relief inning or two during the week?  Give us some results and go more than four or five innings.  We’ll get our seven or eight innings out of you one way or the other.

Look, I understand there is no need to get cute if you have a bullpen that is performing well.   But when you have an entire staff that is over taxed and has given up the most walks and hits in your league, all bets are off.  Who knows?  Maybe this will motivate the guys in the bullpen to focus a hair more.

Another thing while I am on a roll here.  The “must win” game is a myth in my book.  Aren’t all of them must win in reality?  At least until you have mathematically clinched a playoff birth or eliminated from the postseason.  If it is good enough in game 16 it should be good enough in game 26, 46, and 106.

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