Archive for the ‘Gary Carter’ Category

Rest In Peace Kid

February 16, 2012

I promise this won’t be long.  There are far more eloquent writers out there that will do a better job at paying tribute to Gary Carter.  I just feel like sharing a couple of thoughts.

Gary Carter was one of my first Met favorites.  Maybe it was because we shared the same jersey number (an extremely important detail in the eyes of a 10-year-old), or maybe it was due to the fact that his desire to win was almost palpable.

Whatever the reason, today’s loss hurts.

Here’s how I am going to remember the Kid…


Pure joy.

Hang In There Kid

May 22, 2011

I wanted to pause for a second to let Gary Carter know my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family as he faces his diagnosis of brain tumors.

Like many of you, I’ve been a Mets fan my entire life.  My formidable years were in the 1980’s.   I was at a very impressionable age baseball wise, and it just so happened that coincided with one of the greatest teams ever assembled in Queens.

Darryl Strawberry, Gary Carter, and Keith Hernandez were my favorite players.  I wore number 8 because of Carter in little league and I read his book “A Dream Season” when it was published.

Say what you want about how he handled the media, but there is no denying he gave everything he had on the baseball field.  That is something I have never forgotten.

Hang in there Kid.