Archive for the ‘Opponents’ Category

Phillies Phans Don’t Care About the Mets

April 5, 2011
Side note:

I wonder how many Phillies fans substitute the letters ph for the letter f when they write.  It seemed to be prevalent as I did some quick research for this post.

Back to the original reason for this post:

I had this great idea for a post this afternoon.  Many Mets fans feel that Phillies’ fans are obnoxious.  I’ve never met one in person so I figured I would visit a few Phillies Blogs and see what their fans were saying about the 2011 Mets.  I was then going to copy some of the comments on to this site and type “witty” responses all Al Jaffee style.

In my mind I was convinced I would find a bunch of poorly written sentences about how awful the Mets are and how the Phightin Phils were going to kick their ass.

Not the case my friends.  I couldn’t find a single sentence in any of the comment sections on one of the four blogs I visited that even mentioned the Mets.  Apparently they could care less about the 2011 Amazin’s.

After a little more thought it makes sense.  Why would they spend any time degrading the Mets at this point of the season?  It is way too early in the season and its not like the Mets have been very competitive lately.

Oh well.  A for effort right?