Posts Tagged ‘Philadelphia Phillies’

Mets vs Phillies: Who Cares

August 28, 2012

Just posted this on the Facebook page:

“Mets and Phillies for the next three games. Honestly, who cares at this point from both teams’ perspective. The once electric rivalry is in hibernation thanks to suckiness and people getting old in Philly quickly.”

It’s pretty crazy to think about.  I think back to 2007 and remember thinking these two teams were going to be at each others throats for the next ten years.

Man what an idiot.  I was way off.

The Mets’ issues have been well documented by yours truly.  The lack of interest caused by the Mets’ demise has taken away the pure joy I surely would have felt watching the Phillies age before my very eyes like some horrible science fiction movie.

Thanks again guys.


October 8, 2011

I would like to tell you that I do not have a petty bone in my body, and that it does not matter to me whether or not the Yankees or Phillies win in the playoffs.

I would also like to tell you that I do not take satisfaction in seeing the look of shock on Yankee and Philly fans’ faces as they realize that they just got bounced from the playoffs in the divisional round…at home.

The reality is my friends, I am not bigger than that.  I do possess a petty bone in my body, and I received a small amount of satisfaction witnessing the shock on our rival fans faces.

So follow the advice I received from Tom in a text last night,

“Rejoice” -Tom